Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ideas for this weekend's projects

I always come up with a million things that need done, so I think I might start posting the ideas as a way to keep track of what I might do this weekend.

* Send the box with outgrown clothes and the baby blanket I finished to our friends down south. That I'm going to be sending 12-18 month clothes with the blanket should tell you how long I procrastinated on that blanket. All it needed was the sides sewn up. It took me half an hour. I really have no excuse.

* As I'm sitting here waiting for a page to load, I looked up and noticed the ceiling fan in here looks filthy. Maybe cleaning all the ceiling fan blades might be in order.

* I started a rather ambitious baby blanket for a friend back in July, August? The baby was born last month. My excuse? My two year old loved the pattern book (baby! There is a baby on the cover! Baby! Did I mention baby? Because baby!) and tore the post it notes off where I was in the fair isle pattern. I really should figure out where I am and get back to knitting. A friend even lent me a super crazy long circular needle for the project.

* Find the page flags I bought, go through the issues of Cooking Light I have bound volumes for, flag my favorite recipes and then either recycle the magazines or sell them to Half Price. I bought page flags, then I bought more page flags and I have no idea where they are. This happens a lot.

* Lemon meringue pie. I've been thinking about pie for a while now, and both cherry and lemon meringue keep pushing their way to the front of my head. We'll see.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The introduction

I am of the belief that the new year really starts on your birthday. That's when you've really completed one whole year, and so that's when you should make with the resolutions, instead of when you're too full of holiday food and feeling guilty about it because the rest of the world is putting New Year's pressure on you. So, every year I make a birthday resolution. In the past, I've made resolutions like give more to charity, stop saying no and start saying why not, things like that. This year's birthday resolution? To have a project every weekend.

There are a lot of things I think oh, that needs done, and then I forget about them or there's never enough time or money. It also doesn't hurt that I'm a total slacker. Lately, though, I've been hearing this voice in my head saying "Stop watching tv. Go do this," and over the last couple weeks things have been getting done so I thought huh, why not blog about them?

Admittedly, my birthday was about three weeks ago, so we missed the massive baby blanket finish up for babies born last May and last November (see? Total slacker) and removing the bizarre room divider that was here when we moved in and finishing up my friend's Christmas present (SLACKER!!!) but hopefully from here on out I'll start detailing what gets done around here. Look for entries (and hopefully pictures) on Mondays after I've done something.